Black gay men fashion designer on tv

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Les Fabian Brathwaite, Riccardo Tisci’s future ex-husband/current stalker. Now that takes some tastefully obscured balls: Gayest moment: One would be hard-pressed to nail down the greatest moment in the illustrious career of Yves Saint Laurent ( pictured left, with longtime business partner/companion Pierre Berg), but his au naturel ad for his first men’s perfume, Pour Homme, in 1971 kind of cements the gayest moment - he’s literally offering himself up to men the world over.

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Greatest moment: Following his untimely death, the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Costume Institute mounted its most successful exhibit to date, the record-breaking Savage Beauty, which celebrated McQueen’s genius and proved so popular, it will make its debut in London this July. Gayest moment: The oft-shirtless designer decided to get all dolled up for Industrie Magazine, borrowing one of Karl Lagerfeld’s old fans for the occasion:

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